How To Do Reverse Applique On A Sewing Machine

How To Do Reverse Applique On A Sewing Machine?

Reverse applique is a unique and creative technique in the world of sewing and fabric crafts. It involves layering fabrics and then cutting away portions to reveal the layers beneath, creating intricate and eye-catching designs. 

This article will help you learn how to do reverse applique on a sewing machine, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced sewer. It gives you simple, step-by-step instructions to complete reverse applique projects using a sewing machine.

Using a sewing machine for reverse applique offers several benefits. Firstly, it allows for greater precision and accuracy when cutting through multiple layers of fabric. The machine’s sharp blade and controlled movement make achieving intricate shapes and patterns easier. 

Additionally, sewing machines enable faster stitching, ensuring efficiency and saving valuable time during the applique process. Lastly, a sewing machine opens up a world of decorative stitching options, allowing for further embellishment and personalization of reverse applique designs.

In the next parts, we’ll show you how to do reverse applique with a sewing machine. We’ll give you clear instructions and useful tips to help you learn this cool technique. Ready? Let’s begin

Overview Of Reverse Applique

Reverse applique is a textile technique that involves layering fabric pieces and cutting away the top layers to reveal the fabric underneath. It is a decorative sewing method that creates intricate designs and patterns. 

The origins of reverse applique can be traced back to various cultures and civilizations throughout history, including ancient Egypt, China, and the indigenous communities of the Americas. These cultures used reverse applique to embellish garments, accessories, and textiles.

Difference Between Traditional And Reverse Applique Techniques

Difference Between Traditional And Reverse Applique Techniques

Traditional applique involves attaching fabric shapes onto a base fabric using stitching or adhesive. In contrast, reverse applique reverses this process by layering fabrics and cutting away the top layers to expose the fabric below. 

While traditional applique typically creates a raised, dimensional effect, reverse applique creates a recessed or hollowed-out appearance. Reverse applique allows for more intricate designs and the opportunity to play with contrasting fabrics and colors.

Getting Started With Reverse Applique

Getting Started With Reverse Applique

Now that you understand the fundamentals of reverse applique let’s delve into getting started with this captivating technique.

Gathering The Necessary Materials And Tools

You must gather a few materials and tools to begin your reverse applique project. Here’s a list of things you’ll need for your project:


Choose the fabric for the base and applique layers. Ensure they complement each other in color and texture.


Have a good pair of sharp scissors for cutting fabric. Please make sure they are suitable for intricate cuts.


Select a thread color that matches or complements your fabric choices. It should be sturdy enough to withstand sewing and washing.


Keep a variety of hand-sewing needles, including sharp ones, for precise stitching.


Use straight pins to hold your fabric layers together during the sewing process.

Marking Tools:

Have fabric marking tools like tailor’s chalk or disappearing ink pens to mark your design on the fabric.


Create or find a template for your desired design. It will help you trace the shape onto the fabric accurately.

Choosing Fabrics For Reverse Applique

Consider the following factors when selecting fabrics for reverse applique:


Choose fabrics that have a noticeable contrast to create visual interest. The base layer fabric should be solid or have a simple pattern, while the applique fabric can be bolder and more detailed.


Experiment with fabrics of different textures to add depth and dimension to your design. Consider using materials like denim, corduroy, or silk to create interesting visual and tactile effects.


Ensure that the fabrics you choose work well together and complement each other. Consider the overall color scheme and the theme or mood you want to convey.

Preparing The Fabric For Reverse Applique

Before you start sewing, it’s essential to prepare your fabric correctly. Follow these steps:

Wash And Press: 

If your fabric is washable, pre-wash and press it to remove any sizing or shrinkage. It will prevent distortion of the final design after laundering.


Iron your fabric to remove any wrinkles or creases. Smooth fabric makes it easier to trace and cut accurately.

Template Placement:

Position your template on the base layer fabric and secure it with pins. Make sure it is centered and aligned correctly.

Tracing And Cutting: 

Use your marking tool to trace the design onto the base layer fabric. Carefully cut out the marked shape, ensuring clean and precise edges.

Following these steps will prepare you to embark on your reverse applique project. Have fun exploring different fabric combinations and creating unique designs.

How To Do Reverse Applique On A Sewing Machine? (A Step-By-Step Guide)

How To Do Reverse Applique On A Sewing Machine A Step By Step Guide

Reverse applique is a versatile and creative technique that allows you to create stunning designs on fabric. It involves layering fabrics and cutting away certain portions to reveal the layers underneath. 

You must follow a few essential steps to complete a reverse applique project. Let’s explore each step in detail.

Selecting A Design For Reverse Applique


Begin by seeking inspiration for your design. Look for patterns, images, or motifs that resonate with your project’s theme or style. Consider browsing through magazines and websites or even sketching your ideas.

Simplicity And Complexity:

Assess the complexity level you’re comfortable working with. If you’re new to reverse applique, start with a relatively simple design with fewer intricate details. As you gain experience, you can gradually move on to more intricate and challenging designs.

Size And Scale:

Determine the size and scale of your design. Consider the dimensions of your fabric and the intended application of the final piece. If you’re working on a smaller project, intricate designs may appear cluttered, so opt for more extensive, bolder patterns.


Once you’ve chosen a design, adapt it to suit reverse applique. Simplify intricate elements, break down complex shapes into manageable sections, and ensure that the design allows for the layering and cutting of fabric.

Transferring The Design Onto The Fabric

Template Creation:

Create a template of your chosen design on a piece of paper or cardstock. Ensure it is the exact size you want your final design to be. You can draw it freehand, use stencils, print it out, and resize it if necessary.

Fabric Selection: 

Choose the fabric for your project. Opt for contrasting colors or patterns that will create visual interest when layered. Ensure the fabric is suitable for applique, such as cotton, linen, or lightweight denim.

Positioning the Template:

Place the template on the fabric and secure it using pins or fabric weights. Ensure it is centered and aligned according to your desired placement.


Trace the template’s outline onto the top layer of fabric using a fabric pen, tailor’s chalk, or a water-soluble marker. Take care to maintain clear and precise lines.

Marking The Areas To Be Cut And Appliqued


Stack your fabric layers according to your design. The bottom layer should be the fabric that will show through after cutting, followed by the layers to be cut.


Secure the layers together with pins, ensuring they don’t shift during the marking process. Place pins outside the marked lines to avoid damaging them.

Marking The Cutting Lines:

Using a contrasting marker, trace the cutting lines onto the topmost layer of fabric. These lines will guide your cutting process, indicating the areas that will be removed.

Additional Markings:

If your design involves multiple layers or specific applique techniques, mark any additional details, such as stitching lines or placement guides for additional fabric pieces.

Remember, working methodically and double-checking your markings before proceeding to the cutting stage is essential. Once you’ve completed these steps, you’re ready to start cutting and appliqueing your fabric layers, bringing your reverse applique design to life.

Machine Setup And Stitch Selection For Reverse Applique

Machine Setup And Stitch Selection For Reverse Applique

To successfully execute reverse applique, it is vital to properly set up your Top 7 Best Sewing Machine For 10-Year-Oldsewing machine and select the appropriate stitches. Here are the steps involved in machine setup and stitch selection for reverse applique:

Preparing The Sewing Machine For Reverse Applique

Clean And Maintain Your Sewing Machine: 

Ensure that your sewing machine is clean and in good working condition. Remove any lint or thread remnants from the previous project to prevent interference during reverse applique.

Install The Necessary Presser Foot: 

Depending on your sewing machine model, you may need a specific presser foot suitable for reverse applique. Check the machine’s manual for instructions on how to attach the appropriate foot.

Adjust The Tension Settings: 

Reverse applique requires precise stitching, so make sure your machine’s tension settings are correctly adjusted. Test the tension on a scrap fabric to achieve balanced and even stitches.

Choosing The Appropriate Needle And Thread

Select A Sharp Needle: 

Use a sharp needle, preferably a size appropriate for the weight of the fabric you are working with. A sharp needle will make clean cuts through the layers of fabric during the reverse applique process.

Consider The Thread Thickness: 

Choose a thread that matches the weight and color of your fabric. A thread slightly contrasting to the fabric for reverse applique can create an interesting visual effect. Ensure the thread is strong enough to withstand the stitching process.

Thread The Machine: 

Thread your sewing machine with the chosen thread, following the machine’s threading instructions. Ensure the thread is adequately secured and that the bobbin is correctly inserted.

Selecting The Desired Stitch For The Applique:

Evaluate Stitch Options: 

Most sewing machines offer various stitch options suitable for reverse applique. Look for stitches that allow for precise and secure stitching, such as a straight stitch, a satin stitch, or a zigzag stitch.

Test the stitches: 

Before starting your reverse applique project, test the different stitch options on a fabric scrap. Pay attention to the width, length, and tension to determine which stitch creates the desired effect for your design.

Choose the appropriate stitch: 

Once you have identified the best stitch for your reverse applique project, set your sewing machine to that stitch. Adjust the stitch width and length as necessary to achieve the desired outcome.

By following these steps, you can adequately prepare your sewing machine for reverse applique and select the suitable needle, thread, and stitch. It will enable you to create beautiful, intricate designs using the reverse applique. Remember to practice scrap fabric before working on your main project to refine your skills and ensure optimal results.

Cutting and Appliqueing Fabric

Unleash your creativity and infuse your sewing projects with vibrant designs and captivating textures through the captivating technique of cutting and appliqueing fabric. 

This delightful process involves three key steps, cutting the fabric along marked lines, skillfully layering the fabrics, and securely bringing them together using the magic of applique stitching on a sewing machine. 

Let’s dive into each step, uncovering the secrets behind this artful craft:

Precision Cutting:

Embark on your creative journey by selecting fabric as the canvas for your applique masterpiece. With a fabric marker or tailor’s chalk, carefully transfer your desired shapes or patterns onto the fabric, marking the lines that will guide your cuts. 

Armed with sharp scissors or a trusty rotary cutter, delicately navigate the marked lines, allowing your vision to come to life with clean and precise cuts. The fabric now starts to take shape, eagerly awaiting the next steps of this artistic endeavor.

Layering Fabric:

Prepare to witness the harmonious interplay of fabric layers as your imagination weaves together a captivating tableau. Assemble the fabric pieces you’ve cut, contemplating the arrangement and composition that will bring your design to fruition. 

Playfully experiment with different positions, placing your applique pieces upon the chosen base fabric. To keep them temporarily in place, consider the gentle embrace of pins or the adhesive touch of fabric glue. 

Take a moment to appreciate the intermingling colors, textures, and dimensions; this fusion of fabrics shall create a tapestry of captivating beauty.

Applique Magic: 

Now, dear artist, prepare to witness the magic of the sewing machine as it breathes life into your meticulously arranged fabric layers. Select a thread color that complements and enhances your design, diligently threading your sewing machine to match your creative vision. 

Choose the stitch pattern that will best bring your applique to life, whether it be a straight stitch’s elegant simplicity or a zigzag stitch’s playful charm. With steady hands and an artist’s touch, embark upon your stitching journey. 

Allow the needle to gracefully traverse the edges of your applique pieces, seamlessly securing them to the base fabric. Each stitch is a tiny connection between the layers, fortifying the bond between fabric and imagination. 

Follow the marked lines or venture beyond to craft a decorative outline; this is your chance to infuse your creation with personal flair.

Finishing Touches

Finishing Touches are essential for giving your project that polished and professional look. Here are three crucial steps to consider:

Trimming excess Fabric And Threads:

Once you have completed the main sewing or applique work, it’s time to neaten up the edges. Take a pair of sharp scissors and carefully trim any excess fabric that extends beyond the desired seam allowance. 

This step ensures that your project looks clean and tidy. Examine the seams and trim loose threads using scissors or a thread cutter. Removing these loose threads will give your project a neat and finished appearance.

Pressing The Appliqued Fabric To Set The Stitches:

Applique work involves attaching one fabric piece to another using stitching. After completing the stitching, pressing the fabric to set the stitches and create a crisp finish is essential. Place a pressing cloth or a thin fabric over the applique area to protect the fabric from direct heat. 

Then, using an iron set to the appropriate temperature for the fabric type, gently press the applique, applying light pressure. Pressing helps to flatten any puckering or unevenness and ensures that the stitches are secure and well-defined.

Adding Decorative Stitches Or embellishments:

Consider incorporating decorative stitches or embellishments to add a touch of creativity and personalization to your project. You can use a sewing machine or hand stitching techniques to add decorative stitches around the edges of your fabric or create unique patterns. 

You may also attach decorative buttons, beads, sequins, or embroidery to enhance the overall design. Ensure these additions complement your project and stay within the main focus.


What Kind Of Sewing Machine Do I Need For Reverse Applique?

Any sewing machine with a straight stitch and zigzag stitch capability can be used for reverse applique.

How Do I Transfer The Design Onto The Fabric?

You can trace the design onto the top layer of fabric using a fabric pen or pencil or use a stencil or template to mark the design.

How Do I Stitch The Layers Together?

Place the top layer of fabric on top of the base fabric and pin them together. Stitch along the marked lines of the design using a straight stitch.


In conclusion, this guide has provided valuable insights on how to do reverse applique on a sewing machine. We have explored the step-by-step process, highlighting the fundamental techniques and considerations necessary for successful execution. 

By emphasizing the versatility and creative possibilities of reverse applique, we have showcased how this technique can elevate your sewing projects to new heights. So, don’t hesitate to start your reverse applique projects and unlock the boundless potential of this artistic approach. 

With the knowledge gained from this guide, you are well-equipped to embark on your reverse applique journey and create stunning masterpieces on your sewing machine. Happy stitching.

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